Texts by Jeonghyeon Joo

Journals & Critics
- Experimentation and Expansion Through Conversation: Monad Seoul Trio at Gravitational Field, Korean Contemporary Composers and Compositions, Vol. 25, August 2024. [English version available soon]
Beyond the Institutionalized Body, Korean Contemporary Composers and Compositions, Vol. 23, August 2023. [English version available soon]

Doctoral Papers
- Improvising Body (Advisor: Tim Feeney), CalArts, 2023. [download available soon]
- The aesthetic of slowness, density, and linearity: Contextual similarities between Korean court music and Western experimental music focusing on Cage and Krieger (Advisor: Ulrich Krieger), CalArts, 2023. [download available soon]
- The Physicality of the Haegeum: A Guide to Traditional and Non-Traditional Techniques (Advisor: Nicholas Deyoe), CalArts, 2023. [download available soon]

Conference Abstracts
- The Art of Bowing: Extended Physicalities of the Contemporary Haegeum, Doctors in Performance Festival Conference, Royal Academy of Music, London, UK, August 2023.
- New Works and Performance Techniques for the Contemporary Haegeum, Composition in Asia Symposium & Festival, University of Southern Florida, Tampa, FL, January 2023.

Book Translation
- The Haegeum: A Comprehensive Guidebook for Composers and Performers. Written by Eunah Noh, English Translated by Jeonghyeon Joo, Seoul National University Press, January 2023 (forthcoming). 

Texts/video about Jeonghyeon Joo  

Experimental Haegeum Performance Explored the ‘Ritual of Mundanity’ by Vania Fong, asia pacific arts, June 2023.
Exploring the Art of Bowing - Haegeum Performer Jeonghyeon Joo by Gugak TV, May 2023.
Hidden Dimensions Review by Guwon Jeong (Arts Council Korea), April 2023.
Artists Who Will Bring You to a Whole New World by Hyein Seong, Gugak Nuri, Vol. 177, National Gugak Center, January 2021.
array - ICMC 2018 Review, International Computer Music Association, 2018.


- Discovering Creative Bowing Practice in Your Everyday Life - Interview with Yongsok Lee, Gravitational Field Podcast, July 2024.
Voyage LA - Conversations with Jeonghyeon Joo, March 2022.
- Endless Possibilities of Two Strings - Haegeum Performer Jeonghyeon Joo, written by Hyun-min Lee, Monthly Music Magazine Review, January 2020. [full text available below]

from Exploring the Art of Bowing - Haegeum Performer Jeonghyeon Joo
© Gugak TV, 2023

from Hidden Dimensions Review by Guwon Jeong
© Arts Council Korea, 2023

© Voyage LA, 2022

from The Physicality of the Haegeum - A Guide to Traditional and Non-traditional Techniques
© Jeonghyeon Joo, 2023

from Artists Who Will Bring You to a Whole New World by Hyein Seong, Gugak Nuri, Vol. 177, pp. 54-55. 
© National Gugak Center, 2023

© REVIEW, 2020.

array, ICMC 2018 Reviews, p. 7 & 19-20
© International Computer Music Association, 2018.

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